Welcome to
Gateway School of Ministry
Equipping students for the work of the ministry.

Gateway School of Ministry equips students to start new churches fulfilling the great commission and helping friends become devoted followers of Jesus worldwide.

A Place For You
If you're looking to deepen your understanding of God's word, be part of a church planting movement and help people grow in their faith, Gateway School of Ministry is the place to be.

Life Together
Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? At our school, we offer a unique student life experience that includes apprenticeship, community support and a variety of exciting opportunities. Join us and discover all the amazing components of our school.

To equip students for the work of the ministry, making Jesus known by starting new churches.
We want to see the next generation of leaders confidently start new churches around the world.
"GSM was an amazing experience that taught me that I am a worshipper of Jesus first and to be a soul winner. I was able to grow closer to God all while connecting with classmates who turned into family!"
Alex Galvan
"GSM changed my life, it taught me so much about the Lord and how I needed to truly surrender to Him. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for the schooling and leadership that poured into me."
Noani Griffis
"GSM is refining and defining at the same time. Not only has it helped me grow in my relationship with Jesus, but it has also given me the confidence and proper tools to equip myself to be a disciple maker!"
Cecilia Jones